Proceedings and Special Issues
Conference proceedings
Submitted 4-page Extended Abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Chairs and the Program Committee Members. Accepted manuscripts will be published in the virtual conference proceedings available to all the participants during the conference. After the conference all the Accepted Extended Abstracts will be published as Proceedings of the 22nd IGS conference: Investigating Human Movements: Handwriting and Beyond, Réjean Plamondon, Eva Alonso Ortiz, Benjamin De Leener and Lama Seoul, Editors, Presses Internationales Polytechnique 2025, an open access Conference Proceedings indexed in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), Scopus, EI Engineering Index, Google Scholar, DBLP; etc. (TBC).
The corresponding author of a particular paper will have to sign a Publication agreement on behalf of all the co-authors, having gained their permission to do so. The corresponding author will sign and accept responsibility for releasing the material on behalf of all co-authors.
Conference recording
All sessions will be fully recorded for post-conference streaming so that all registered attendees will be able to revisit the sessions for up to three months after the event. Please note that we automatically assume that presenters accept that their recorded presentation will be made available to participants for post-conference streaming on the IGS 2025 Conference website. In case of refusal, presenters of accepted papers will need to notify us at by June 5, 2025.
Special issues
Authors of accepted conference papers will be invited to submit full manuscripts for consideration by major international journals, publishing each a Special issue based upon selected papers of IGS 2025, such as:
• Pattern Recognition Letters: a special issue is scheduled in conjunction with the IGS 2025 Conference on any topics dealing with pattern recognition and artificial intelligence.
Contact Editor: Claudio De Stefano, Associate editors : Céline Rémi, Lama Seoud and Réjean Plamondon
• International Journals of Forensic Document Examination: a special issue is scheduled in conjunction with the IGS Conference on any topics dealing with forensic, biometrics and security issues.
Contact Editor: Angelo Marcelli, Associate editors: Heidi Harralson, Frederic Fol Leymarie and Réjean Plamondon
• Human Movement Science: a special issue is scheduled in conjunction with the IGS Conference on any topics dealing with motor control, neuroscience and education.
Contact Editor: Arend Van Gemmert, Associate editors: Karina Lebel, Eva Alonso Ortiz and Réjean Plamondon
• IEEE Transactions on Human Machin Systems: a special issue is scheduled in conjunction with the IGS Conference on any topics dealing with human machine interactions. (Approval for special issue pending, the Call for Papers will be posted after the conference.)
Contact Editor: Luis Leiva, Associate editors: Mickael Begon, Benjamin De Leener and Réjean Plamondon
Discussions are going on with other potential journals which will be added to this list in due time.