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Submit an Abstract

Abstract submission process for IGS 2025 is now open! Download the Call for Papers Poster to share and spread the news!

How will the conference work?

We cordially invite you to submit an abstract for the 22nd Conference of the International Graphonomics Society (IGS 2025), held in Polytechnique Montréal, Canada, from June 2 to 5, 2025, under the theme Investigating Human Movements - Handwriting and Beyond. This conference is the premier forum for presenting new advances and research results in graphonomics from an interdisciplinary point of view.

All onsite presentations, Plenary, Oral and Poster presentations, will be presented live as scheduled in the online conference program. Speakers will be present for their entire session in order to answer questions and participate in any discussions.

All sessions will be fully recorded for post-conference streaming so that all registered attendees will be able to revisit the sessions for up to three months after the event. Please note that we automatically assume that presenters accept that their recorded presentation will be made available to participants for post-conference streaming on the IGS 2025 Conference website. In case of refusal, presenters of accepted papers will need to notify us at by June 5, 2025. 

Selection Process

The abstracts submitted will be reviewed by the Program Chairs and the Program Committee Members, who are experts selected for their demonstrated knowledge of particular topics. Authors will be notified of the results of the review process by email.

If your paper is accepted, it will be assigned to either a lecture session or a poster session in the form of a poster displayed onsite. Prepare your presentation accordingly, following the guidelines that will be provided later on this website. The author's request for the presentation format is taken into consideration, but the final decision to assign a presentation in a lecture or a poster session rests with the evaluation committee.

Each accepted paper (oral or poster) must be presented by one of the authors in person at the conference according to the published schedule. At least one of the authors must register for the conference before the author registration deadline. Failure to do so will result in the automatic withdrawal of the paper from BOTH the conference program and proceedings of IGS.



  • Motion capture (wearables, image/video acquisition, pen and touch tablets)
  • Movement analysis (signal/image/video processing, hand and finger movements, human pose estimation and tracking, biomechanics)
  • Movement segmentation and gesture recognition (features extraction, classification, identification and representation, machine learning, and natural language description)
  • Multimodal fusion and registration (with EEG, EMG, voice recording, eye tracking, multi-limb or contralateral movements)
  • Neurosciences and motor control
  • Robotics and motion control, anthropomorphic robots
  • Motion-based human-machine interface and augmented/virtual reality (gesture-based control of equipment, remote surgery systems)
  • Handwriting, signature and movement synthesis, generative AI.
  • Document analysis and recognition (print, handwriting, drawing, images)


  • Applications in healthcare (health monitoring, movement disorders, physical rehabilitation, physiotherapy, aging at home, detection of injuries, Parkinson and Alzheimer diseases)
  • Application in education (handwriting learning and assessment, teaching methods, early screening of motor aptitude and disorders)
  • Applications in sports (performance assessment, non-invasive prediction of injuries or drugs)
  • Applications in arts (cultural heritage, calligraphy, painting, drawing, music playing, dance, sculpting)
  • Applications in forensic and security (signature verification, writer identification, handwritten document forgery detection, biometric motion identification)


  • Handwriting, signature and movement datasets
  • Privacy preservation, data anonymization
  • Biomarkers in handwriting and human movements
  • Gold standards benchmarks

How to proceed

  • Abstracts must be submitted according to the template below to ensure abstracts will be readable through the online review system and adhere to IGS publication policies.
  • Use the below template to prepare your PDF.
  • Oral: Oral presentations will last 15 minutes, including 3 minutes for questions.  
  • Poster: Each morning, a short oral poster introduction will give the presenter an opportunity to attract visitors to their poster board. Presenters will be asked to be available to answer questions during a dedicated poster viewing time.
  • Each author may submit up to two (2) abstracts as first author. For each accepted paper (oral or poster), at least one author (the presenting author) must have performed a complete registration (paid), at Researcher or Student rate*, before the Presenting author registration deadline (April 15, 2025), for the paper to be included in the conference program and published in the IGS Proceedings. One registration covers a maximum of two (2) papers by the same first author.
  • Any accepted paper included in the final program is expected to have at least one registered author to attend and present the paper on-site at the IGS Conference. Authors of the accepted papers included in the final program who do not attend the Conference will be removed from the Conference Schedule and removed from the Conference Proceedings. If you are not able to attend, a co-author may present in your absence but will also need to be registered (substitution can be considered). 
    * This type of registration is for full-time undergraduate, master, or doctoral students. After registering, the student should send by email ( an official letter from their advisor on headed paper confirming the full-time student status.

Abstract Requirements

Abstracts may be no longer than 4 pages, including all text, figures, and references. Please note that after the submission deadline, the list and the order of the authors cannot be modified, and must remain unchanged in the final version of the manuscript.

File Size Limit

Authors will be permitted to submit files weighing up to 3 MB.

Writing Language

English is the official language of the conference. As a result, all papers must be entirely submitted (and presented) in English.

Authors List

The authors' name(s) and affiliation(s) appear below the title in capital and lowercase letters. IGS 2025 does not perform blind reviews, so be sure to include the author list in your submitted paper. Papers with multiple authors and affiliations may require two or more lines for this information. The order of the authors on the document should exactly match in number and order the authors typed into the online submission form.

Submit your abstract 

Authors must submit their abstract online through the abstract submission system:

  1. First step: Once your abstract is written according to the instructions given in the template, choose your preferred session and a second choice in the topics list above in this page.
  2. Second step: Click on the “Submit your abstract” link at the bottom of this page. This will take you to a specific “Abstract submission” page: follow the instructions on this page.
  3. Third step: You will receive an automated email to confirm that we have received your abstract. Follow the instructions in this email and the link that will enable you to access your file and author entry forms at any time before the abstract submission deadline. The secretariat will process your request and send you an official confirmation email when your submission is validated. If you have not received a confirmation in the following 5 days, please contact
  4. Fourth step: Following this process, the Scientific Committee of the conference will review your abstract and inform you whether or not it is accepted, in which session, with or without modifications, and as an oral presentation or a poster.

It will be possible to upload a new abstract updated file and modify your submission information until the submission deadline (February 16, 2025 EXTENDED to March 3, 2025) by accessing your online file with the access codes provided. Any change made after the submission deadline must be notified by e-mail to

IGS 2025 presenting authors will be invited to submit a long version of their accepted 4-page abstracts to special issues of selected journals. Specific guidelines will be published later on this website. See Proceedings and Special Issues section.

Also, different Student Prizes will be awarded at the Conference.